• In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Roof with solar panels on a hall at the Cologne trade fair

    Client: change magazine of Bertelsmann Stiftung

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Henriette Reker – Mayor of Cologne

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Bikelane in the city

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Rhine river with flood meadows

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Andrea Fischer-Hotzel from the German Institute of Urbanistics

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Public sports and ball fields in the city

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Aachen pond in the greenbelt of Cologne

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Dipl.-Ing. Architect Peter Berner, managing partner of ASTOC GmbH

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Cologne cityscape in summer

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Map with cooling places, sources of drinking water and places of rest

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Help for Ukraine: Blau Gelbes Kreuz e.V., Julia Chenusha, CEO in conversation with colleague Nadiia Khmeliuk at the collection point for baby supplies

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Charging places behind the green facade of the I/D parking garage in Cologne Mühlheim

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    One of twelve drinking water fountains in Cologne's public urban space

  • In times of rising temperatures, torrential rains with floodings amids urban densificated areas cities have to get resiliant to protect their inhabitants.

    Dawn over Cologne