Sons of a calf breeder from Miyazaki prefecture
Masaharu Tsugiho, 78, says farewell to his calf Midor on auction day
Client: BEEF!
Breeder leading his calf to the auction in Miyazki
Most calf breeders are in their seventies
Calf auction in Miyazki
Wagyu farmer Muneharu Ozaki with his dog Hana, who is fed with Wagyu beef.
Cattle in the stables of wagyu farmer Muneharu Ozaki in Miyazaki prefecture
Sirloin cut from Ozaki Beef
Stamp for approved Kobe Beef
Kobe Beef marble grading at the abattoir in Himeji
Kobe Beef at the abattoir in Himeji
Kobe Beef auction at the abattoir in Himeji
Kobe Beef auction at the abattoir in Himeji
Kobe Beef farmer Tomohiro Komori in Tamba-shi
Kobe Beef cattle relaxing in his stabel
Kobe Beef cattle his stabel
Meat concierge Takashi Minomiya at the Wagyu butcher „Tokyo Cowboy“